Browse through our products

  1. Visit the store page and review our products by clicking the product image or title.
  2. We have products images and descriptions that will help you choose the perfect product for you.


Adding products to your Cart

  1. When you have found the perfect product, simply click “ADD TO CART” or “SELECT OPTIONS” to choose the weight of the product; then “ADD TO CART”.
  2. Click the “CART” when you are done shopping.
  3. Make sure to review your order for any unwanted products or discrepancies.
  4. You can remove items by clicking the “X” button.
  5. To Add/reduce quantities, click the  “+” and “-“ buttons beside a product. Click “UPDATE CART”.
  6. Click “PROCEED TO CHECKOUT” when you are ready to check out.


Checking out

    1. Make sure to review your billing details, shipping details and order contents.
    2. Before placing your order. You are required to read and accept our terms & conditions.
    3. Choose “PLACE ORDER” when you are done. if your purchase fails, you may need to setup an or log into you ACCOUNT before you can order products.
    4. Check your email for confirmation and proceed with payment.
    5. Your selected payment method will be sent to your email so you can proceed with payment. (N.B if using “Cash App” payment option, make sure to add amount to cash app balance first before sending to ease transaction).
    6. Take a Clear image or snapshot of the completed transaction as proof and send to our email.
    7. Once we receive your payment your order will be processed and shipped the same/ following business day via a professional delivery agency.
      We will email your Shipping tracking number as soon as it is available.

NB : We accept only Five payment methods; CashApp, Zelle, PayPal, Cryptocurrency and Apple Pay(For Orders below $500).

Buy Bitcoin With Bitpay (


While buying Bitcoin can seem intimidating, BitPay makes it easy for novices and tenured crypto enthusiasts to buy Bitcoin. You can buy Bitcoin instantly in the BitPay app or through the BitPay website online. Select the amount you want to convert to Bitcoin. Enter your wallet information to confirm where you’d like to receive your Bitcoin. BitPay partners with multiple partners to offer you the best possible price on your Bitcoin purchases. View your offers and choose the best rate. You’ll be taken to a partner’s website to complete your transaction. You can buy Bitcoin with a credit card, debit card, Apple Pay or Google Pay. After you complete your purchase, your Bitcoin will be held in your wallet.